Barrel Extenders for ASV Clutch Lever Perch Setup (Standard or Pro) and take the excess slack out of the clutch cable, which is experienced in some rare cases on certain applications.
Each order includes two Barrel Extenders.
When you need to give her a little bit more.
I recommend picking these up for anyone swapping out lever assemblies. Wish I would have seen these when I ordered my lever assembly as it would have saved me a bit of time.
ASV Clutch Perch Barrel Extender
Worked excellent as described. I added a Rekluse clutch to a F800GSA and this helped immensely with the new clutch cable adjustment.
Barrel Extenders
Put on my yfz 450, clutch cable had to much slack even with adjustments then I found these Barrel Extenders for the asv clutch lever and works perfect now and on the bright side it was free Thank You asv
Barrell Extenders
Used these on my yz250 and worked perfect. Had a motion pro cable that was to long and these made the cable adjustment easy. Thanks, ASV
Barrell Extenders
My RMX 450Z was one of the rare instances that needed the excess slack in the clutch cable. ASV sent me a 2 pack free of charge. One sleeve did the trick. Now the church works perfectly.